Updated April 21, 2020
ECRC-Physical Therapy provides critical care to improve the health of the communities we serve in Windham and New London Counties. In this current health crisis involving the communicable disease Covid-19, we want our staff, patients and communities to know what we are doing to control what we can and continue to provide services to those in need.
We are open.
Physical therapy is an essential service and ECRC Physical Therapy is open. We are treating patients and accepting new patients. If you were scheduled for surgery and had the surgery postponed due to Covid-19 or have an injury and need help recovering so you can regain mobility, function, and strength we are here for you.
No patient will be charged for canceling their appointment at any time.
We will follow up with our patients who have missed appointments for whatever reason, and encourage them to maintain their therapy program, and if possible, they are encouraged to contact us for further guidance as staff members avail themselves remotely.
We are using safe social distancing recommendations.
We will inquire of all patients and/or caregivers of our patients, whether they have been exposed to Covid-19 or have had any symptoms that may make it unsafe for them to attend their appointment. We will pay special attention to make sure that those patients who have chronic heart or lung disease and/or diabetes, as well as those over the age of 70, are reminded of the higher risk they pose and encourage them to follow the state of CT “Stay Home, Stay Safe” guidelines. We believe that those patients who are at risk should stay home and we will reschedule them once deemed safe by their primary care provider and in accordance with CDC guidelines. We are focused on maintaining office hours for those who are recovering from surgery, those who play an essential role in maintaining the businesses that have been designated as essential to our communities, and as designated by our Governor. We reserve the right to screen all those requesting services to make sure our staff and other patients are reasonably safe from a contagion.
Any staff member working for ECRC-PT who feels unsafe will be allowed to use their personal time off and their patients will be assigned to other professional staff. These patients will be notified of these changes so they will not worry about their risk of exposure. If any staff member has been exposed or has any signs or symptoms (primarily fever, especially in combination with cough), associated with any virus, Covid-19 or not, we will have that staff member remove themselves from work, and if tested positive for COVID 19, we will advise all those in contact to self-quarantine for the recommended time period following CDC guidelines and we will report the confirmed diagnosed case to state and local health agencies. All parties that have been in contact with this staff member will be notified and directed to follow appropriate recommendations that are issued by public health agencies.
Our clinics will continue to use safe cleaning policies that we have always used, and now enhanced in the following manner:
All used equipment, tables, pillows, chairs and all surfaces will be wiped down and disinfected between therapist and patient encounters. Hand washing or sanitizing will be used by staff between encounters between each patient. We will continue to monitor and change practices and policies as needed to remain compliant with CDC guidelines.
Throughout the course of this health crisis we will keep staff and our patient apprised of necessary changes in scheduling and patient contact as the situation evolves. Scheduled educational workshops may continue when restrictions from social gatherings are relaxed and appropriately designated by our Governor.
We will stay safe and hope that you will as well, so that we will do our part to restore health to all.
Carl, Penny, Wendy