Women’s health is specialized. Women have special needs to attain and maintain their health. ECRC-PT provides treatment for many common orthopedic disorders affecting women, such as poor posture, back pain, and sacroiliac dysfunction. Additionally, some women face unique issues that interrupt their more intimate daily activities that they have been told that they “just have to live with”. Bowel/Bladder incontinence or urgency, pelvic pain following surgeries (such as hysterectomy or caesarian section), pelvic organ prolapse or dyspareunia (painful intercourse) episiotomy are some of the more frequent conditions for which physical therapy can be helpful.
Christina LaCoe, MSPT, is a physical therapist practicing in our Killingly/Dayville office who has received advanced training in women’s health physical therapy, including pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, pelvic pain, urinary/bowel incontinence, and pregnancy and post-partum issues. Likewise, Kirsti Stennett, PT in our Colchester office is also trained in a manual therapy approach to women’s health issues using advanced and integrated manual therapy training to assist women in these areas Our women’s health physical therapists can assist you in addressing these often private issues in a comfortable environment and help you return to “back to normal” with your daily activities.
Treatment begins with a comprehensive initial evaluation including a detailed review of your medical history and history related to the current diagnosis/complaint, orthopedic screening, and pelvic floor muscle assessment as appropriate, with further treatment based on these findings.
Below are examples of some conditions that can benefit from women’s health physical therapy:
- Pre-natal and Post-partum Pain and Muscle Weakness
- Episiotomy Scars
- Caesarian Section Scars
- Posture/Ergonomic Issues (related infant care or body changes during pregnancy).
- Levator Ani Syndrome
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Dyspareunia
- Vulvodynia
- Vaginismus
- Incontinence of Bowel/Bladder
- Constipation
- Coccygodynia
- Pelvic organ prolapse